For a teacher, I personally believe New Year's Day to be one of the most depressing days of the year. The apex excitement of New Year's Eve behind me, the first day of January signals the end of the perpetual two week "party" and the beginning of preparation to return to the classroom where I will face the busiest, most demanding months of the school year.
It becomes a more ominous endeavor in light of attempting to train for a half marathon. Three rather easy five-mile runs behind me thus far, I've come to the realization that the pursuit may become much more challenging when my wake-up call goes from 10:30 A.M. to 5:30 A.M. and I face an entire day of work before I can hit the track.
Then again, perhaps the return to everyday life will actually benefit my training. I tend to have an inexplicable amount of energy left at the end of most days that usually needs to be burned off by some sort of physical activity. Also, running tends to be pretty cathartic for me after a chaotic, stressful day. I remember reading somewhere that we should try to engage in free-time hobbies that counter the demands of our daily jobs in order to promote balance. For example, those in "menial" labor positions should take part in activities that exercise mental processes, while those in more "intellectual" professions (ahem, that would be me) should find "mindless" endeavors.
Working out is a great opportunity to let my mind go relatively blank and emerge a clean slate. The question remains if my physical stamina is up for the extra miles and if my mind will keep itself "over matter", as they say.
On the emotional front, I am all for returning to normalcy. Yes, I'm going to curse myself for ever thinking this come Tuesday morning when that blasted alarm goes off...
My alarm clock, synonymous with evil
BUT, in the grand scheme of things, it is going to be for the best. I've seemingly regressed in the healing process over break. Or, maybe it will turn out to be just a more painful step forward--time will tell. Either way, all this time with my thoughts has not been the most pleasant and I'm so ready to invest myself back into the lives of others.
For some reason, the first months of this school year, I was really jaded and unhappy at my job. It was like it was in the way of my personal life and I was living for my nights and weekends. But, once things fell apart in the fall, I found my passion renewed for my job and the kids. It was a nice feeling, if only a distraction from all the "junk".
I haven't thought much about the students over break, (which is probably for the best. Teachers get extended breaks for a reason, people!) but I'm ready to pour into them again. They are people that, for the most part, are much worse off than I am even on my really bad days. I need their perspectives, their challenges, and the occasional times when they can make me laugh again. I hope they need me, too.
Happy New Year, everyone! May it be a blessed one.
The one who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." Revelation 21:5