Monday, July 16, 2012

Week 9

Week: 9
Total Miles Run: 12 (3 miles, 3 miles, 6 miles)

"You're going running?...Right now?...Out THERE?"

I've received that inquiry in some variation from several of my friends each time I've declared the need to get in my miles.  My blanket response to them:


There have been few certainties along this 10 week journey:

1) I must get in my designated training miles at some point
2) I must do it outside
3) It must be no cooler than 90 degrees with glaring sunlight

Perhaps it may be wiser for my health and wellbeing to wait until the twilight hours, or perhaps 2 o' clock in the morning when Lake County gets its only relief of the day.  But, I've just been facing the realities of the "real thing" approaching in less than a week. 

Sunday's weather report is a BIIIIG shocker.

Are you sensing my sarcasm?

Now, my saving grace is that I start running at 6:30 A.M. and should finish no later than 9 A.M., so the 6 miles I did at 2 P.M. yesterday in 93 degree heat with no shade was probably excessive (as excessive as the steady stream of sweat into my left eye that had me looking like a one-eyed pirate the whole route). Yeah, that didn't feel so good.  But I guess I would liken it to a baseball player taking a few practice swings with weight on his bat before stepping up to the plate: It'll make the real deal feel pleasantly effortless...for the first 10 miles or so. Ahem.

Race week is upon us.  I would lie if I said I wasn't full of anxiety about the whole thing, even though I'm well conditioned and in optimal health.  I suppose it's the fear of the unknown. But I'm glad to have the support of some good friends and family cheering me on in the early morning madness.  It's a crash bang start to my 27th year of life, that's for sure!

Admittedly, I've had a lot of unfounded fear and anxiety about life in general lately, and my first line of defense has been going to prayer and scripture.  It'll be no different on Sunday when the going gets rough and the mind starts playing tricks on me. 

I feel blessed to have been able to reach this week relatively uneventfully (save a pogo sticking debacle that could have ended it all this weekend. Yikes.) and to be able to enjoy the growth in strength and determination gradually and with relative ease. 

I appreciate all your support and prayers and encouragement and I'll take all I can get this week!


In the day when I called, You answered me; and You strengthened me with strength in my inner self. Psalm 138: 3

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